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Issue 14, October 2015

Sonya Ilieva, BULGARIA

Professor DsC at  "Konstantin Preslavsky" - University of Shumen


Curves mirrors of Bulgarian democracy                                                                                                               

Abstract: After November 10, 1989 Bulgarian state went through serious social transformations and has gone from a totalitarian state to another new type of state - democratic. Since then, Bulgaria observed degeneration of the electoral environment as degenerations of democracy itself. There have been corruption, which can be interpreted as a key element in the implementation of these strategies and the pursuit of private group, corporate, political goals and interests. They normally are processes of accumulation of resources belonging to the whole society and the establishment of control by persons who claim to have delegated their rights to dispose of these resources. The expansion of this process actually threatening to block the implementation of democratic reforms in Bulgaria. Among the most among all curves curves mirrors the political system, manifested in the electoral process are Bulgarian "inventions": buy a vote, electoral tourism, migration and controlled electoral vote. Their specific manifestations are summarized and analyzed in this article.

Evgeny Osipow, BELARUS

PhD in Pedagogics, Docent Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin, Belarus


Preparation of students for pedagogical interaction with the student's family in the context of competence-oriented education

Abstract: This article presents the results of research on competence-oriented training of students in pedagogical interaction with the family; the theoretical and methodological foundations of this type of training are disclosed. The essence of the concept "pedagogical interaction with the family" is described; its values and priorities in the targeted training of students are highlighted; the author's model of professional competences of a teacher in the study scope is grounded, methods of their development are presented.

Maria Osipowa, BELARUS

PhD in Pedagogics, Professor Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin, Belarus


The activities of the scientific-methodical centre “School – Family” as a component of educational environment at university

Abstract: The article deals with the opportunities of scientific-methodical centre "School – Family" in the training process of interaction with the family for future teachers. The importance of integrating of the educational content (at the normative level) with the extracurricular activities of students in the context of the center is stressed through setting the objectives, tasks, forms, efficiency. The author's position on the problem of an extended learning environment creation in the framework "university – school –  family” is disclosed.

Miloslava Yankova, BULGARIA

Associate Professor PhD in Department of "Social Work" at  "Konstantin Preslavsky" - University of Shumen


Philosophy and ethical studios for the otherness                                                                                                    

Abstract: The problem for others is universal, i. E., It shall be analyzed in all social sciences, but the content of the ethical concept "Other" depends on the philosophical and life situation and formulation of the problem. The term Another  is ambiguous and it can put different content depending on the meaning placed in him an author. The study introduces the concept of otherness of Georg Hegel, Husserl Yan, Nikolai Berdyaev, Martin Heidegger, Ricoeur Pierre, Jean-Paul Sartre, Martin Buber, Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida.

Miloslava Yankova, BULGARIA

Associate Professor PhD in Department of "Social Work" at  "Konstantin Preslavsky" - University of Shumen


The integrative and regulatory functions of the Abrahamic religions                                                                         

Abstract: In the nineteenth and twentieth century comparative religion studies classify religious views philosophically defined categories called world religions. Some modern scholars believe that not all religions are separated from each other by mutually exclusive philosophies. Among them stand out both in its origin and its importance for the functioning of the so-called global society. Abrahamic religions. They are monotheistic and profess more than half of the planet's inhabitants believers Proponents of community they believe in their composition are religions Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Bahai, which are presented background information in the article. Make some important conclusions about their integrative and regulatory functions. The major ones are: uniting, humanistic, moral. They represent specific extended families. Creating codes of conduct (such as ethics or law), establishing a community of shared picture of reality, the Abrahamic religions give people the opportunity to live confidently.

Rositsa Mihaylova, BULGARIA

Senior Assistant in Department of "Social Work" at  "Konstantin Preslavsky" - University of Shumen


The diverse aspects of the socialization                                                                                                               

Abstract: The society in the course of its development has created a mechanism to impart social nature of man (transmission of culture) - socialization, which is implemented mandatory, but through specific institutions. Socialization is traditionally understood as a process of interiorization of the group culture (values, norms) of the members of one group. It is vital for society. Thanks to her it can exist and to control human life. Values and norms internalized by the individual and because of sanctions (positive and negative) are taught. This is actually the component axes of socialization.

Zhivko Zhechev, BULGARIA

Associate Professor PhD Department of "Social Work" at  "Konstantin Preslavsky" - University of Shumen


Man like biosocial system                                                                                                                                    

Abstract: Man is a complex biosocial system. It is biosocial creature which is an important link in the chain of living organisms on Earth. It represents a multilevel system in which they are related biological, social and spiritual basis. This article clarifies concepts: individual human personality. Highlights are the essential differences between the human being - man and other species - animals. Emphasizes that man is born as a biological individual, but is formed by the norms of the society they belong acquires societal values and begins to perform certain public functions. All this characterizes biosocial human nature.

Zhivko Zhechev, BULGARIA

Associate Professor PhD in Department of "Social Work" at  "Konstantin Preslavsky" - University of Shumen


Practical and applied conclusions of realized art therapy with children from Home for children without parental care "Detelina" - Shumen

Abstract: The Art therapy with children institutional building on important motives: self-assertion, self-identification, achievement and others. The practical implementation of this type of therapy with institutional children shows that classes through iso therapy, tale therapy, music therapy, sand therapy, Puppet Therapy to help them solve their problems and conflicts, developing personal skills to control their behavior, to master nervous outbursts, depression, psychological barriers to overcome stress and aggression, increase their social activity.

Hristina Kolarova-Vasileva, BULGARIA

PhD student and lecturer in practice in Department of "Social Work" at  "Konstantin Preslavsky" - University of Shumen


Application Delphi Method In Education                                                                                                                

Abstract: Delphi method is a "child" and a trademark of RAND Corporation - USA. Created by O.Helmer, N. Dolеky and N. Risher as a technique forlong-term forecasting, it now applies in different public sectors. One of his most successful applications worldwide is in the educational sphere. In Bulgaria, it can be realized in the direction of educational innovations and increasing quality of education as a whole; developing a system of performance indicators in education; long-term management of the quality of the education and others.