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Issue 9, May 2015

Кемеровский государственный университет культуры и искусств, Кафедра Иностранных Языков /Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, Department of Foreign Languages/



Кемеровский государственный университет, Факультет Романо-Германской Филологии 

/Kemerovo State University, Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology/




All articles in Issue 9, May 2015 were presented at Scientific Methodological Conference:

"Language Education Nowadays: Culture, Traditions, Innovations" in March 2015, Kemerovo, Russia.


The Conference was held under the slogan:

"Do already today what others will think tomorrow"  (Winston Churchill). 
Today, more than ever, for university community it is so  actual and significant to join the efforts of searching new decisions and ideas for improvement of language education in multilevel system of the higher education. According to new requirenments higher education institutions have a lot of tasks which should be solved: development of  the main professional educational programs, creation of new educational and methodical materials, but also reorganization of teachers activity, developments of new methodical decisions and approaches, and also development of the system of control and estimated tools, selection of such educational materials which would provide realization of competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages. 




Larisa Prokhorova, RUSSIA

Associate professor, PhD (Germanic languages), Kemerovo State University



Abstract: The focus of this paper is on the ways the traditional initial and final formulaic lines of the folk tale genre are transformed in various literary fairy tale and fantasy texts. These formulas anchor and shape the reader’s perception of the written text as an oral narrative according to the genre tradition. The authors transform the stereotypic model by incorporating new information into it. The paper explores the effects of alienation from the prototype scheme of the fairy tale genre.

Marina Ryabova, RUSSIA

Professor, Doctor of Philology at Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo


EVERYDAY LIFE IN DISCOURSE PRACTICES                                                                                                         

Abstract: The culture of contemporaneity presents itself through various concepts and discourses that constitute the category of everyday life, which they reveal and portray. In linguistic terms, the category of everyday life is manifested in different forms of communication, and first of all in the system of norms and models of speech behavior, known as speech etiquette. The goal of the article is to analyze the use of some models of English speech etiquette, specifically the use of politeness forms typical of the English.

Marina Mezhova, RUSSIA

PhD (Culturology), Associate Professor at Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, Kemerovo



Abstract: The paper analyses the need of reorganization and search of new approaches in teaching in the system of the higher education, within new federal state educational standards based on  competence approach. The considerable difference in traditional and innovative approaches both to teaching in general, and to teaching foreign languages is allocated. Interactivity is highlighted as one of effective tools in teaching a foreign language in Universities, promoting formation of a certain set of the demanded competences according to the model "to know, to be able, to own".

Marina Agienko, RUSSIA

Associate professor, PhD, Department of Foreign Languages at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Kemerovo branch



Abstract: The discoveries of cognitive science give us the opportunity to take a fresh look at the tradition of learning the vocabulary of foreign languages as we can consider all meanings of the word as a kind of academic text, the study of which can be arranged in the course of looking for internal relations of the whole set of the meanings of the word. The method suggested in the article can be called “semantisation of the word through the definition of a prototypical situation”

Tatiana Miroshina, RUSSIA

Candidate of pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute


FORMATION  OF  CIVIL  POSITION  OF  HIGHER  EDUCATIONAL  INSTITUTION  STUDENTS  AS A  PEDAGOGICAL  PROBLEM                                                                                                                                                         

Abstract:  During the experimental work it is proved that the formation of the student civil position is a controlled process and regular monitoring of obtained results during the experimental work facilitates timely correcting the process.

Ludmila Koniaeva, RUSSIA

Phd (Pedagogy), Assocate Professor, Kemerovo State University



Abstract: The article deals with a significant role of media competence for both ESL teacher and students in the modern world where media are omnipresent. Based on the opportunities which Global network provides to involve students in authentic situations of intercultural interaction,  the paper analyses some innovative methods of using internet resources to improve students’ listening comprehension skills.

Tamara Ya. Kostyuchenko, RUSSIA

(PhD, Anthropology),  Associate Professor, The Department  of Romance and Germanic Philology (the English Chair), Kemerovo  State University  (KemSU),  Russia   



Abstract: The article considers modern value-oriented activities, modifying  the correlation of goals and means, the life of an individual, a group or the whole society and fulfilling the prognostic function from the point of view of anthropology as the study of communication central to the human experience. Marketable culture develops the habit of appealing to emotions and creating artificial needs for products and services. 

Natalya Deryabina, RUSSIA

Phd (Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor

Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology


Lazareva Tatiana, RUSSIA

Associate Professor, Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology


FORMATION OF LINGUISTIC AND COUNTRY STUDY COMPETENCE WHEN TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AT THE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE                                                                                                                               

Abstract: Linguistic and country studies become an essential part in the process of foreign language learning because at present there is a necessity to teach not only language skills but also the culture of the country studied. The complexity of solving this problem is caused by the fact that the knowledge of foreign languages assumes not only the ability to speak properly but also mastering the particular cultural stereotypes. Teaching foreign languages on the basis of current country study materials contributes to the formation of linguistic country study competences. It widens the general horizon of students and helps motivate the further study of foreign languages.

Yulia Bashkatova, RUSSIA

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Kemerovo State University

SYMBOLIC FEATURES OF SOMATIC CONCEPTS                                                                                                    

Abstract: The article examines the symbolic features in the structure of somatic concepts as units of somatic code in Russian and English cultures. Alongside the language semantics, somatisms are characterized by cultural semantics of a certain symbolic significance. Regularly replacing cultural symbol in the discourse, somatisms as representatives of symbolic  meanings are symbols in themselves. The symbol is a product of human consciousness. Since ancient times, people have resorted to the symbolization of the world around them, thus, a symbol is a specific element of encoding the cultural space. The study is based on construction with somatic components collected from authoritative English and Russian dictionaries and national corpora of the Russian and English languages.

Anzhela K. Rybkina, RUSSIA

Senior Lecturer, Kemerovo State University


Elena N. Ermolaeva, RUSSIA

PhD, Associate Professor, Kemerovo State University


INTERPRETATION TRAINING WITHIN TNE FRAMEWORK OF MODERN COMPETENCE-BASED APPROACH TO EDUCATIONAL PROCESS                                                                                                                                    

Abstract. The article focuses on the issues of implementation of competence-based approach to professionally-orientedinterpretation trainingfor students of higher school. Competence is seen as the ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities to successfully meet the challenges arising from human activities, including activities in a certain area. A training strategy to professionally-oriented interpretation described in the article may well serve as an illustrative example of the formation of competences needed for successful professional activities.

Nadezhda Sergeyevna Sokolova, RUSSIA

PhD, Assistant Professor of English Philology Chair, Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Kemerovo State University”


INCORPORATION OF CULTURALLY-BASED APPROACH TO TEACHING ENGLISH WRITING TO STUDENTS OF LINGUISTICS                                                                                                                                                     

Abstract: The paper focuses on the possibilities of implementing intercultural approach to teaching English writing to linguistic students. Attention is given to identifying sociocultural discrepancies, their prevention and correction. The reason of students’ sociocultural errors is seen in their inept cultural and language code transformation. To eliminate these errors leading to cultural and language barriers students are suggested a set of exercises aimed at building writing skills in the foreign language.

Lyubov Petrovna Popolzina, RUSSIA

Senior Teacher of the Foreign Languages Chair of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and arts, Kemerovo


Marina Veniaminovna Voronchikhina, RUSSIA

Senior Teacher of the Foreign Languages Chair of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and arts, Kemerovo


READING AUTHENTIC TEXTS IN THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL TRAINING                                                             

Abstract:The article explores techniques for improving the skills of students in reading texts on a specialty, ways of acquiring knowledge about the traditions and way of life in English-speaking countries. Reading is an important aspect of learning a foreign language. Reading books or passages of foreign authors is the way of increasing students’ proficiency. An attempt   was made to reveal the variety of opportunities and the main criteria in the selection of books for special purposes.

Anzhela K. Rybkina, RUSSIA

Senior Lecturer, Kemerovo State University


Elena N. Ermolaeva, RUSSIA

PhD, Associate Professor, Kemerovo State University


INTERACTIVE AND TRADITIONAL FORMS OF THE TRANSLATION / INTERPRETATION TRAINING IN HIGHER EDUCATION                                                                                                                                                      

Abstract: The article focuses on the issues of implementation of interactive and traditional methods of professionally-orientedinterpretation trainingfor students of higher school. A complex training strategy to professionally-oriented interpretation described stage-by-stage by the authors of the article and based on years of their personal teaching experience may well serve as an illustrative example of the formation of competences needed for successful professional activities.

Marina Alekseenko, RUSSIA

Lecturer at Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts


THE HISTORY OF HERMENEUTICS IN DILTHEY’S INTERPRETATION                                                                      

Abstract: The given article deals with the problem of theoretical postulates on hermeneuticspresented by Wilhelm Dilthey who is considered to be a classic of hermeneutics. Examining the history of hermeneutics so that we could represent the views of early European school of interpretation and their impact on modern hermeneutics is important for the researchers in Humanities as it helps to find the sources of understanding. Dilthey gave a systematic outline of the main purpose of hermeneutics, defined it as a part of the logical and methodological substantiation of the Humanities.

Oxana Shushlyaeva, RUSSIA

Lecturer at Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts



Abstract: The paper allocates the emergence of a new post-industrial society and a new university educational paradigm. It contains the analysis of several futurological concepts of the idea of the university.  

Marina Denisenko, RUSSIA

Associate Professorat Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts


ROLE OF GREY COLOUR IN COLOR CLASSIFICATIONS                                                                                          

Abstract: Researchers haven't been able to pin down any universal classification system that will be able to predict how people will interpret and respond to the colours around them. This is because a person's culture, gender, age, emotional and mental state, specific experiences, mood - as well as the appearance and combination of the colours themselves - can all affect the reaction. As for the attitude to the grey colour, people of different cultures react to this colour in a different way. And this reaction varies in intensity from person to person.