Issue 16, December 2015
Sonya Ilieva, BULGARIA
Professor DsC, Lecturer in Department “Social work” at Konstantin Preslavsky – University of Shumen
The Society In The Starting Point Of The Postmodernist Paradigm
Abstract: Postmodernism is over, a concept, a philosophy, a way of thinking and writing that deny modernism preceding it, as well as structuralism. For postmodernism sometimes referred to as post-structuralism. Under the influence of postmodernism was born posmodernistkata paradigm in sociology. The article introduces the concept of significant representatives of this paradigm: Zh.Atali, J. Baudrillard, R. Dahrendorf, P. Bourdieu, Foucault, M., E. Fromm, A. Giddens, G. Baudrillard, K. Levi Strauss ZH.- F. Lyotard, A. Touraine, L. Wacquant, I. Wallerstein.
Anna Novoklinova, RUSSIA
PhD, Senior Lecturer at Kemerovo State University
Formative assessment of employability skills in foreign language teaching
Abstract: The paper focuses on formative assessment techniques which can be used in University foreign languages teaching practice as well as for employability skills assessment. Despite being in high demand formative assessment has a long way to go before it becomes an effective educational tool: a problematic field is also outlined.
Ivan Raychev, BULGARIA
Professor PhD at Faculty of Philosophy at St. Cyril and St. Methodius –
University of Veliko Turnovo
Economic policies and global trends - social and psychological aspects
Abstract: Economic and social change today goes through the processes of globalization (Global Studies). Crisis phenomena on a planetary scale in the economy and particularly the financial sector, is indicative that the so-called. "Reactive model" implies an authoritative behavior of oligarchs has reached its peak, the critical point and needs to be done "left" turn. The main conclusion was "... it is necessary visible hand of government and international relations than the invisible hand of the market".
Ivan Raychev, BULGARIA
Professor PhD at Faculty of Philosophy at St. Cyril and St. Methodius – University of Veliko Turnovo
European values, intercultural dialogue, youth policies - problems and challenges
Abstract:This publication aims to bring more clarity on concepts such as European values, societies as intercultural, the power of the minority and the majority, the distinctive features of national, corporate and personal image in the cultural field, as one of the most favorable areas communicating a positive image among internal and external target audiences, including and young people as a social group.
Discussed are youth policies and programs of the European Union, various initiatives and key elements of muzhdukulturniya dialogue both in Europe and in the Balkans.
Krasimir Markov, BULGARIA
Professor DsC, Lecturer at Konstantin Preslavsky – University of Shumen, Lecturer at “Vasil Levski” National Military University Artillery, Air Defense and CIS Faculty
Leadership and group dynamics
Abstract: Leaders are persons influencing the activity of the group, but this is not always the case. The complexity of the role of the leader may be disclosed in handling of various features that leader Deals: administrator, planner, politician, expert, representative of the group to the external environment regulator relations within the group, a source of encouragement and punishment , peacemaker, example, factor repealing individual responsibility, "father" and others. The leader must fulfill expectations and hopes of the group, since the group has had vision what should be the leader and what functions it has to perform and if this vision and expectation coincide with the behavior of the leader, if possible the group will try to shifts.
Stefan Ruskov, BULGARIA
PhD at Konstantin Preslavsky – University of Shumen
Acquiring And Nurturing Of Knowledge, Skills And Competences For Realization Of Digital Arrangement, Through Interactive Multimedia Training
Abstract: The report analyzed the knowledge, skills and competences for creating digital arrangement, acquired and formed as a result of the interactive and multimedia training in the form of interactive procedures, actions, and operations.
Yanna Ruskova, BULGARIA
Associate Professor PhD at Konstantin Preslavsky – University of Shumen
For Communicative Competence Of The Teacher Of Music
Abstract:The article reveals the communicative competence of the teacher of music by analyzing in a co-modal connection "key – a special competence". Her comment is universal nature, but its specificity driven responsiveness of musical art, of music and performing activity as the main teacher of music and related communicative and educational practices.
Neli Dimitrova, BULGARIA
Associate professor PhD at Konstantin Preslavsky – University of Shumen, Pedagogical faculty, Department Technology study and vocational education
Operationalize the aims of technological education
Abstract: One of the main conditions for achieving high performance in education is setting specific targets and search for adequate ways to achieve them. The purpose of this research work is to operating educational objectives of the educational process of technological learning, as training and educational process in all scientific fields are subject to specific purposes.
Maya Konova, BULGARIA
PhD student at Konstantin Preslavsky – University of Shumen
Ombudsman Institutions In Countries In Transition From Totalitarianism To Democracy
Abstract: In most countries of Central and Eastern Europe, as in many former Soviet republics, the institution of ochbudsmana creates for the first time in the period of transition to democracy and is already widespread. The institution, founded in transition countries play an important role in the process of democratization and protection of human rights and many have already noted significant progress, despite the relatively short period of operation. The main difficulties facing ombudsmen in those countries in transition arising from the fact that they operate in conditions of transition to another political system.
Maya Konova, BULGARIA
PhD student at Konstantin Preslavsky – University of Shumen
The Ombudsman's practice in developed democracies. Theoretical study.
Abstract:The Ombudsman is an independent body having high authority, called to consider complaints of citizens in the absence of public powers, using the power of belief, publicity of cases based on legal norms, the norms of morality and ideas about justice. Ombudsman equally belongs to the state and civil society, it is a crossroads where resolve conflict of state and individual interests. As a social institution of society Ombudsman restores the balance of power between state and society in the field of civil rights and freedoms.